For this project, I decided to create a booklet with my dog, Bobo as the subject. I've categorized a few of his many occupations and used him and his relevant surroundings as materials for creating the letters. Bobo is a good dog that will (generally) do what he's told—at least with the right motivation. Unfortunately, having his picture taken is a dreadful chore for him and he didn't find get excited until I was done photographing him and moved onto the objects (ex: his leash). It was very, very labor-intensive, but lots of fun too. I've added a video of my process if you're interested!
Bobo: Profile of a Working Dog
For this project, I decided to create a booklet with my dog, Bobo as the subject. I've categorized a few of his many occupations and used him and his relevant surroundings as materials for creating the letters. Bobo is a good dog that will (generally) do what he's told—at least with the right motivation. Unfortunately, having his picture taken is a dreadful chore for him and he didn't find get excited until I was done photographing him and moved onto the objects (ex: his leash). It was very, very labor-intensive, but lots of fun too. I've added a video of my process if you're interested!